Now that summer is here (and hopefully to stay!), why not enhance your outdoor space with some amazing exterior lights?
Landscape lighting is an amazing way to enhance your outdoor space. It adds beauty, uniqueness, and safety. It can be as easy as adding a few solar lights to your garden, or as complex as boldly bathing your whole house in light! We here at Totally Electric want you to be proud of the house you live in. Here are some common and unique ideas for outdoor lighting that we can help you with. Or, if you're more of a DIY person, you can attempt them on your own. Whatever the case, we hope the following ideas inspire you!
As the name implies, this effect is created by simply placing a fixture on the ground and pointing it up. You can place the fixture against a tree trunk, edge of your house, or maybe even in the middle of a plant. You usually want to pick an aspect of your house to highlight, or maybe a particular tree you think is beautiful.
Similar to up-lighting, silhouetting is used to highlight a specific feature but instead of the light being placed in front of the feature, it's placed behind it. The placement of the light behind the feature creates a dramatic dark silhouette. The feature is dark with the outline being lighted.
Shadowing is the opposite of silhouetting. The fixture is placed between the viewer and the landscape feature, and is pointed at the feature. Shadowing works best when the feature is in front of a flat surface which will then display an eye-catching shadow. In this case the feature is lit by the fixture, with a stark shadow on the ground.
Path Lighting
Path lighting is one of the most creative ways to spice up your outdoor space. Although it might seem quite simple to set a bunch of lights up along your pathway, it takes a keen eye to do it precisely. You must ensure to not use too many fixtures, and also ensure they are spaced the correct distance apart. Too many fixtures, or too close together, can give your space a cramped atmosphere. It's also one of the easiest lighting techniques to use; simple solar posts can be used to highlight your path!
This method works by flooding a wall, hedge, or flat surface with bright light. The light serves to “wash” the entire area, making it bright and easy to see. It's different from up-lighting, in that it illuminates the entire surface instead of just a few key lights pointing upwards.
Moon Lighting
The key to moon lighting is to use tall trees in your yard. Place the fixture high at the top of the tree and make sure the fixture is pointing downwards. The light then filters down through the branches, simulating a night with a bright moon.
What Power Source should I use?
The power source you decide to use for your outdoor lights can easily influence the entire project. Traditionally, a GFCI plug has always been used for outdoor power applications. Ensure that the lights you purchase are compatible with GFCI plugs.
Despite the popularity of GFCI plugs, solar lighting is quickly becoming the most popular choice for landscape lighting. No wiring or electricity is required for solar lights, plus they simply come on at night and eventually turn off; no need for a switch! Each light will typically have its own small solar cell so no wires are needed to run between lights.
Another popular choice, which is our preferred choice, is low voltage. Low voltage is safe and energy efficient, and if you use low voltage LED’s, you'll rarely need to replace bulbs, if at all! Some people prefer the look of low voltage lights over solar as it doesn't have the small solar cell attached to it, which may look unappealing. Low voltage lights are also more reliable than solar. We all know what our Nova Scotian weather can be like!
Now is the time…
If you’re ready to begin your project, or you’d like a free quote, contact us today! Our lighting professionals are happy to help create the backyard oasis of your dreams!